European Mistletoe
mistletoe grows on several types of common trees such as apple, oak,
pine, and elm trees. Where the term “mistletoe” is used in this fact
sheet, it refers to European mistletoe. European mistletoe is different
from American mistletoe, the type of mistletoe that grows in the United
States and is used as a holiday decoration.
Mistletoe has been
used for centuries in traditional medicine for a variety of conditions
including seizures, headaches, and arthritis. Today, mistletoe is used
in Europe as a treatment for cancer.
The berries, leaves, and
stems of mistletoe are used to make extracts, which are usually given
by injection under the skin. Mistletoe may also be taken orally (by
mouth) as a dietary supplement. In Europe, mistletoe extracts that are
given by injection are sold as prescription drugs. The U.S. Food and
Drug Administration has not approved the use of mistletoe as a
treatment for cancer or any other medical condition. In the United
States, the use of injectable mistletoe extracts is permitted only in
clinical trials.
How Much Do We Know?
mistletoe has been studied for cancer, its effects are not well
understood because much of the research on it has been of
poor quality.
What Have We Learned?
There have been
clinical trials of mistletoe for cancer, mostly in Europe. Although
some trials indicated that mistletoe improved survival or quality of
life, almost all of the trials had major weaknesses that raise doubts
about their findings. These weaknesses have included small numbers of
patients, incomplete data, lack of information about the dose of
mistletoe, and problems with the design of the studies.
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and
the National Cancer Institute have completed a preliminary trial to
evaluate the safety of injected European mistletoe extract in
combination with a cancer drug in patients with advanced cancer. It
showed that patients could tolerate the herb/drug combination and
provided other information that may be helpful in the design of future
studies to evaluate mistletoe’s effectiveness.
Mistletoe is not a proven cancer treatment. It should not be used
outside of clinical trials.
What Do We Know About Safety?
Mistletoe berries and leaves can cause serious harmful effects when
taken orally.
mistletoe extract may cause soreness and inflammation at the injection
site, headache, fever, and chills. Serious side effects are rare, but a
few severe allergic reactions have been reported.
Keep in Mind
all your health care providers about any complementary or integrative
health approaches you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to
manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and
safe care.
Key References
- European
mistletoe. Natural Medicines Web site. Accessed at on April 14, 2015.
[Database subscription].
- Horneber
M, Bueschel G, Huber R, et al. Mistletoe therapy in oncology. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews. 2008;(2):CD003297
[edited 2010].
- Mansky
PJ, Wallerstedt DB, Sannes TS, et al. NCCAM/NCI
Phase I study of mistletoe extract and gemcitabine in patients with
advanced solid tumors. Evidence-Based Complementary and
Alternative Medicine. 2013;2013:964592.
- National
Cancer Institute. Mistletoe Extracts (PDQ). National
Cancer Institute Web site. Accessed at on
April 14, 2015.